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About Us


Mendenkan Aikido is a group of dedicated aikido practioners who follow the teachings of Morihei Ueshiba O-sensei as passed down by Morihiro Saito Shihan.  The instructor, Bruce Mendenhall, studied for 9 years in  Iwama, Japan under the tutelage of Saito Shihan.  He strives to teach aikido techniques and training methods as they were formulated and propounded by Saito Shihan.  This approach to aikido is sometimes referred to as “Iwama ryu” or “Iwama Style”.  It is characterized by its adherence to the martial roots of aikido, by its attention to technical details, by the repetition of basic techniques, by its respect for aikido tradition, and by its emphasis on the use of aiki-ken (wooden sword) and aiki-jo (staff) techniques as intrinsic to understanding the underlying principles of the art.  We believe in training with great focus, enthusiasm, sincerity and a joyful spirit.  We emphasize safety and the duty of senior students to guide and support the newer members.  We see aikido as a path to improving our lives and fostering our physical and spiritual develoment. 

Saito Morihiro Shihan

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